This wonderful holiday makes me feel chipper, even if it is raining all day. Last year on Earth day, I posted a blog about how I celebrated Earth day that year. I also made a pretty spiffy list about how I am helping to save our earth, and I am proud to say that list still stands this year, plus a little more!

In honor of Earth day this year, I decided to adopt an animal, or two. I received a wonderful email from Defenders of Wildlife talking about how the BP oil spill is still effecting our wildlife. The one year mark of the BP oil spill was last Wednesday, and organizations are still fighting to save sea turtles, dolphins and other wildlife impacted by this tragedy.

Because of this heartbreaking email, I decided to donate my money to help saving sea turtles and elephants. If you can even donate $10, please consider donating to help our wildlife! Every penny can help, it all adds up!
Have a wonderful and GREEN Earth Day everyone!
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