Anyway, my mother-in-law will be visiting us here in Germany for a week starting tomorrow. We pick her up at the airport tomorrow morning at 8am! So I won't be blogging for a while. I'm sure I will have plenty to talk about when I return though!
My husband recently had a work BBQ. The wives were asked to bring side dishes if possible. I knew I probably should since in their email they said "We will provide the meat". To me that says "AKA Carla you better bring something for yourself to eat!" So I was a little stumped as to what I could bring as a side dish for other people but as a main dish for myself.
I joined a vegan forum a while back and someone suggested to me to make this amazing bean salad! I recently started following Brigit Gaia's blog after I saw this bean salad and I've seen quite a few delicious looking recipes! I'm so glad someone suggested her recipe to me so I would like to share it with anyone who reads my blog!
I think the one thing that made me decide this would be the recipe I would make is the picture. It is just so colorful...I would totally eat that if it was in front of my face!
With that, here is Gaia's Black Bean Salad....
This story makes me so sad! I just learned about Courage's story yesterday.
This poor dog was chained up in the backyard and completely forgotten. No one had given him any food or water for WEEKS. Since he was chained up, he couldn't escape. Someone called him in finally and help came for Courage. When they brought him to a vet, he only weighed 37 pounds! I have a German Shepherd, and she weighs 80 lbs. 37 lbs is INCREDIBLY BAD! Courage couldn't even lift his head, let alone walk, he was so weak! What really upset me was when I read his fecal matter was completely dirt. Courage was so hungry he tried to eat dirt to survive!
Thankfully Courage has survived this horrible ordeal, and is doing much better. I've been following this site for updates...
I just can't even wrap my head around this. How can someone tie a dog outside and just leave? It's disgusting to see how some people just don't give a shit about animals. Whoever did this to Courage, I just know they will get what is coming to them. I hope they find the person and prosecute them.